Tula Wrap Conversion Ring Slings
Brand Tula
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*please note that Tula carriers cannot be shipped to the USA
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The Tula Ring Sling is now available in Canada!
♥ Medium weight wrap (270 +/- 30 GSM)
♥ Special finishing process makes this wrap soft and does not require any breaking in.
♥ Woven in the USA
♥ Ideal for children, including newborns and toddlers
Tula Ring Slings are handmade from our beautiful woven wraps, which are designed and woven specifically for Tula. They are a representation of our passion for textiles, designs, and attention to details, but mostly to the beauty of babywearing. Tula Ring Slings are perfect for a variety of sizes and situations from birth on, and are the fastest and easiest carrier on the market to use. Tula is proud to make products that can be trusted to be there for you with comfort, safety, and beauty when your family needs us most, whenever that is.
Tula Ring Slings are available in two sizes, "S/M" and "L/XL". For reference, you can use your shirt size to determine what size would be best for you. However, the fit of the Tula Ring Slings is very versatile. A "S/M" will still fit a plus sized person and just leave a shorter "tail" (excess material that lies past the rings). All Tula Ring Slings have a weight range of 8-35lbs.
- Made with 100% cotton and top quality aluminum SlingRings
- Easily adjustable to be used for front (tummy to tummy) and hip carries
- Ideal for newborns until toddlerhood and beyond
- Handwash when necessary
Tula is committed to protecting our environment and to awareness of our social and ecological impact as much as possible. We continually seek to offer an outstanding product that keeps our future decision-makers close to our hearts, while protecting the home that they will one day inherit.